
Showing posts from June, 2012

Annunal Student Art Show

So here are a few pictures from my Annual Student Art Show. The Art Show was awesome this year I had student volunteers to help label, glue, paint and set up (stress free!) We filled the gym and had to move to the halls. This year we added a flip book table it was a big hit. The affirmation box is always successful and makes the students feel really good about themselves.  Each students is given the opportunity to write a positive comment for their fellow peer artist. Later in the week we deliver the affrimations to each artist.

Clay Projects Rooster

I wanted to test out adding images to my This is one of my clay assignments focusing on animals in art.  For their final project my students were asked to create any animal of their choice but use the techniques learned during the semester to resolve the problem.  This is a young man who was one of my best artists, he graduated from the 8th grade this year I am truly going to miss him.  More to come later.

First Day Posting

This is my first of hopefully many posts to come. I hope that I will be able to help inspire many art teachers current and future. Please be patient with me I'm still learning the ropes (blogging that is).