
Showing posts from April, 2014

Inspired to do some painting

I have been inspired to paint this week. Thankfully Michaels had a great sale in canvas. I am in the process of working on three paintings one is about finished while the other two are a work in progress.


Middle school clay project focusing on types of relif sculptures.  In class we discussed low and high relief  and looked at a few examples. Below are a few student pieces some  glazed and fired. Wolf howling at the moon Cupcake Spray can on brick wall Night time Super-Bat Man Flag Bird on a branch

Neon Robots

Fourth grade just started a new painting project called Neon Robots. We started out with a demonstration on how to draw 3D shapes. After a few sketches we started drawing on a 12x18 sheet of white paper and filled our robots with neon paint. The kids loved it. I've included my example but I will post the student examples when they are finished.  Note: Purchase a good quality neon paint the kind that I used is very thin and takes two coatings for a smooth look. My example is painted with one coat.