Just a few clay projects

It's been about three weeks since my last blog...I promised myself that I would post at least once a week...life happens.
Recently my Ceramics class created a few cool projects that I would like to share. The first project is clay pumpkins. Students were given the opportunity to create a unique clay pumpkin using the skills learned so far in class. I think that they did a great job.

My Ceramics class also created a few clay tile relief projects. Our main subject was the Koi Fish. I love Koi fish they are so unique and beautiful.

The last project that we are working on is "Sparky" from Frankenweenie the movie. I just received some Scholastic Art Magazines and they had a great article about Tim Burton and careers in sculpting character puppets. My 7th and 8th grade students really enjoyed doing this project. I will post more pictures later of their finished work.
