Art on a Cart before Holiday Break

During the last week of school I was "Art on a Cart" due to the fact that the PTO used my room for the holiday store. I didn't mind because we have a great PTO at our school and one week wouldn't kill me....I thought.  So what do you do when it's the last week before break and you're floating from classroom to classroom and the kids are restless and are ready for a break? Well, I did not know...but thank God I found this great worksheet on Pinterest you can find it on they have great drawing worksheets.  It is a perfect holiday art lesson. Elves!! My 3rd thru 6th grade classes used dice and created these awesome elves. The kids loved it and they were very engaged during the entire lesson.  
Below you will find the handout and a few student examples.

 I asked them to create some unique backgrounds for their elves.
