I wanted to share my fundraiser that I hosted in the art room this year. As you know funds are low and supplies are dwindling so the best way to increase both is to put on a fundraiser. So, that's just what I did. Parents, friends and staff were invited to participate in a painting party. Each member of the family was given a 16x20 canvas, brushes and paints. 

Because there were younger children invited I decided to make it an open painting party, where you could paint whatever you want or follow along with my instructions on how to paint a specific piece. The event was great, I had a parent who volunteered to bring refreshments and because of our previous painting party I had left over supplies so I had a profit of over $300.00. 
She loves Hippos. 6th grade teacher
Check out a the fabulous paintings created by our parents, students and staff.

Our Social Studies teacher did an amazing job and brought his two cuties with him.

Even our Kindergarten parents came to support us.

The food was great! 


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