Circle Creatures

This lesson was inspired by  the creativity of  I call this cute lesson "Circle Creatures",we focused on the shapes particularly the circle. This gave my first graders practice tracing and drawing circles.  

Supplies used:
12 x 18 inch construction paper (variety of colors)
4 x 5 inch white paper and black paper
6 x 6 red paper

We started with one 12 x 18 inch piece of construction paper folded in half. 

I gave each table a laminated circle to use as a stencil. We've learned in class that if you fold your paper in 1/2 you will get two of the same objects. So, we traced our circles and cut them out. This always get excited when they see 2 shapes come out.

Next, one of the circles is folded in 1/2. The kids used the cue "fold it like a taco", it worked, and they remembered.  We glued the "taco" to the other circle to form the mouth.

Next, we took white paper to create circle shaped eyes.

We used a red sheet of paper and cut out a circle tongue and glued it in side the mouth. Lastly, we cut and glued hands and feet and added other dots and details to our Creatures.

This took us two 35 minute classes to complete. The students had a blast creating this. The only issue students seem to have with this, was creating their hands. Only a few students seem to have trouble with this. Just remind them that this is there creature and they can have what ever designed hand they want. Make it unique.


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