Where have you been?

Boy, has it been a while since I have blogged!  Please forgive me...life has been busy. For some of you who do not know, I'm not only a full time K-8 art teacher, but I am a business owner, traveling art content leader for my school,  and outreach art instructor. I travel and participate as an art vendor and  I participate in art shows throughout the year so my mind goes from one place to the other. This year I have traveled to New York to facilitate  an art teacher workshop with some amazing art teachers and I have helped coach over 20 new art teachers during our professional develop training. Whew!! It's been a ride!
 Well, I haven't totally left the seen, I'm preparing a few lessons to share on my blog and on YouTube. I have decided to share my classroom video tutorials with you.

I love making videos to show my students how to create our art projects. I do have an Elmo in my room that displays what I demo on to the whiteboard, but it gets difficult trying to demonstrate and keep an I on a few rascals in class. So, I am creating a video of me demonstrating the project. The kids love it, they think I'm some "Boss Youtuber" but that is not the case. I am an amateur, but I love it! I can monitor and help guide students as they watch the video and answer any questions as they view it.

  I hope you enjoy these demo's and I hope that I can help you in some way in your own classroom. Enjoy!
Spotted my fav artist Romero Britto in JFK.


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