Student Art Portfolios

This year I am trying very hard to get my students to be data minded and presentation ready. My 5th-8th grade students are building portfolios this year. To keep things simple and not get so overwhelmed, I am making them out of large 18 x 24 inch white paper simply folded in half. On the cover students will decorate and design their name.
My example
 On the inside cover I have created a Student Data Sheet where students will enter their grades and create a bar graph to see there growth and what areas they have already mastered. Now mind you, this is my second year doing this and I'm still revamping this sheet but so far its simple and the kids can manage it without my assistance. We simply taped it on the inside cover.!Asp9n-oM03mC9FmMkp0P7AXp4Hwb.

Here's a link to the Data sheet. Feel free to use and make your necessary changes.

Data Sheet

Inside of their portfolios we will keep each graded artwork. All portfolios are stored in a large box and portfolios are easily stood up inside the box by grade level. (pictures soon to come).  I'm hoping by the end of the year students will choose their best work to enter into our  Annual Student Art Exhibit.


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