Scratch Art

We have all used a scratch board or made one at some point in our early learning or art teacher  careers. So I thought I'd try it again cause I think its fun and my current students have not tried the process yet. This  lesson can be used for any grade level. I used this with my 6th-8th grade students. 
I created a short video tutorial for my students so they could see the process. I've shared it below.

 I'm starting to have fun creating these videos! On the positive, it gives me a chance to save my voice, and sometimes its hard to demo with a large class. I want everyone to see even the smallest details, so a video lets all participants see the action.  

Supplies Used:

12 x 12 inch White paper
Oil Pastel (variety of colors)
Black tempera paint (thick is better or good quality)
Dish soap

My example used with acrylic paint.

 We learned that using washable tempera made the surface thin. So the better the paint the better the surface.
